Stiri din eticheta: ProCredit Bank

Topul bancilor dupa active in 2016

Principala modificare in topul bancilor dupa active in 2016 publicat de BNR este urcarea pe locul doi a Bancii Transilvania (BT), care si-a majorat cota de piata cu 0,55 puncte fata de 2015, la 13,15%, in timp ce BRD a cazut pe locul trei, cu o cota de piata in scadere cu 0,13 puncte, la 12,87% detalii

EBA voices its disagreement with European Commission on PSD2

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an Opinion responding to the European Commission (EC) intention to amend the EBA draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication. In its Opinion, while agreeing with the detalii

Spain will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer

Spain is a frontrunner for instant and Person-to-Person (P2P) mobile payments and it will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit readyTransfer (SCT Inst) scheme to customers operationally  by November 2017. Even if cash is still king in Spain, detalii

Federal Reserve majoreaza din nou dobanda

Federal Reserve (FED), banca centrala a Statelor Unite ale Americii (SUA), a majorat dobanda de politica monetara la asa-numitul nivel "target range" de 1-1,25% pe an, pentru a doua oara in ultimele trei saptamani, datorita cresterii economiei americane. Iata detalii


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