Stiri din eticheta: Asociatia Romana a Bancilor (ARB)

Creating an integrated European market for Payment Initiation Services

Interview with Alain Bénédetti, co-Chair of the Euro Retail Payments Board working group on Payment Initiation Services The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was adopted with payment innovation and safety to the fore. One of its purposes is to regulate at the detalii

Citi Pay digital wallet launches in US

Citi Mastercard credit customers in the U.S. can begin using Citi Pay, a digital wallet that offers seamless payments across channels with card number protection through tokenization. Simply using their existing Citibank online user ID and password, customers will be able to make online and detalii

EBA voices its disagreement with European Commission on PSD2

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an Opinion responding to the European Commission (EC) intention to amend the EBA draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication. In its Opinion, while agreeing with the detalii

Cursul BNR a ajuns agent de marketing pentru banci

Bancile au ajuns sa se laude ca acorda credite ipotecare la cursul BNR, care este substantial mai mic decat cursurile de vanzare si cumparare a valutei practitate de banci, operatiuni din care acestea castiga sume mari de la clientii care efectueaza schimburi valutare la ghisee sau direct in detalii


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