Stiri din eticheta: ING Bank

Firmele listate la BVB platesc actionarilor cele mai mari dividende din lume (analiza)

Companiile listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) ofera cel mai ridicat randament al dividendelor din lume, conform celui mai recent raport de analiza a Romaniei, realizat de banca de investitii Berenberg, anunta BVB intr-un comunicat (vezi raportul in detalii

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) index BET fell by 4,3% in April

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) returned to a downward trend in April after it recovered in March most of the losses from the beginning of the year. In April, the main index of BVB - BET - fell by 4.3%, according to a BVB statement. BET Total Return (BET-TR) had in April a decrease detalii

ING dividend: EUR 0.65 per share

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ING Groep N.V. adopted the 2015 Annual Accounts today and declared a total dividend for 2015 of EUR 0.65 per (depositary receipt for an) ordinary share, said the bank in a statement. Taking into account the interim dividend of EUR 0.24 paid in August detalii


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