Jaewoo Lee, new IMF mission chief for Romania and Bulgaria

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2017-11-28 19:35

Jaewoo Lee, new IMF mission chief for Romania and Bulgaria

The Regional Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Romania and Bulgaria, Alejandro Hajdenberg, made the following statement today:

"I am very pleased to announce that Jaewoo Lee has been appointed as the new mission chief for Romania and Bulgaria.

He will assume the position on December 7, 2017. Mr. Lee replaces Mr. Reza Baqir, who has been assigned to a new post in line with the IMF’s internal policies.”

Curriculum Vitae

Mr. Lee is a citizen of South Korea. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Mission Chief to Sri Lanka, which has had an IMF program since June 2016.

His previous IMF posts include Deputy Chief of the Asia and Pacific Department’s Regional Studies Division, and in the Research Department’s Open Macroeconomics Division.

During his Fund career, Mr. Lee has worked on several advanced and emerging market economies, and has participated in or led several projects including the IMF’s exchange rate assessments, economic and policy developments since the global financial crisis, and global spillovers from China’s rebalancing.

Outside the IMF, he has worked as economics professor at the University of California Irvine and chief Korea economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

His research has been published in several journals, including the American Economic Review and the Review of Economics and Statistics.

He holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Bachelor and Master degrees in economics from Seoul National University.


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