Publicatie online stiri bancare

BCR Group takes over Omniasig Pensii

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2008-09-26 10:08
BCR Group is strengthening its position on the pension funds market, initiating the acquisition procedures for the stock of SC OMNIASIG PENSII - societate de administrare a unui fond de pensii administrat privat SA, said the bank in a statement.

Today, TBIH Financial Services Group N.V., Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA and BCR Leasing IFN SA, a member of BCR Group respectively, have signed the sale purchase agreement contract for the stock of SC OMNIASIG PENSII - societate de administrare a unui fond de pensii administrat privat SA

It is the first transaction of this kind on the private pension markets in Romania, the main steps being made in observance of all legal aspects.

Completion of this transaction is subject to the approval of the Supervising Commission of the Private Pension System (CSSPP).

TBIH Financial Services Group N.V. and Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group SA are joint owners of 100% of the SC OMNIASIG PENSII - societate de administrare a unui fond de pensii administrat privat SA stock.

Omniasig Pensii will continue to perform the management of Fondul de Pensii Administrat privat OMNIFORTE.

BCR Group intends – once the necessary approvals are granted in compliance with the applicable legal framework– to complete the merger between Fondul de Pensii Administrat privat OMNIFORTE and BCR Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat.

Customers of Fondul de Pensii Administrat Privat OMNIFORTE will be updated of every further step according to the law provisions.

This transaction is fully in line with BCR long term strategy of being an active player in the area of Wealth Creation for its clients and helping them to achieve their aspirations.