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ING nominates Jan Holsboer as member of the Supervisory Board

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-09-27 12:41
ING announced today it will propose to the 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM) the appointment of Drs. Jan H. Holsboer to the Supervisory Board. Upon decision by the AGM, which will be held in May 2012, the appointment will be effective as of that date.

Jan Holsboer (1946, Dutch) has long-standing expertise in the international financial and (re)insurance industry. He was member of the Executive Board of ING Group and Nationale-Nederlanden for 10 years and Chairman of the Executive Committee ING Financial Services International. Within Nationale-Nederlanden he held various senior positions.

Currently, Jan Holsboer holds a Supervisory Board position at Atradius, PartnerRe, TD Waterhouse Bank and Yura International/YAM Invest. He has recently resigned as member of the Supervisory Board of Delta Lloyd Group. Other not-for-profit positions include honorary president of the Geneva Association, Chairman of the Board for Stichting Vie d'Or, Panorama Mesdag and Vereniging Pro Senectute and Member of the Investment Committee of the Dutch Cancer Society. The appointment is subject to approval by the Dutch Central Bank.