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National Bank of Romania: RON-denominated household deposits declined by 0.6 percent

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2010-06-24 17:29
National Bank of Romania: RON-denominated household deposits declined by 0.6 percent to RON 62,807.7 million. At end-May 2010, household deposits in domestic currency jumped 6.7 percent (2.2 percent in real terms) against the same year-ago period.

RON-denominated corporate deposits (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) increased by 0.6 percent to RON 43,427.4 million. At end-May 2010, RON-denominated corporate deposits rose year on year by 7.8 percent (3.2 percent in real terms).

Forex-denominated deposits of resident households and corporates (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) advanced 2.2 percent to RON 62,221.3 million when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits added 0.9 percent to EUR 14,888.3 million). In year-on-year comparison, residents’ forex deposits expressed in RON moved up 10.7 percent (when expressed in EUR, residents’ forex deposits rose by 10.7 percent); household deposits in foreign exchange added 17.7 percent when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, household forex deposits increased by 17.7 percent) and corporate deposits in foreign exchange (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) were up 1.0 percent when expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits of corporate residents expanded 1.0 percent).