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National Bank of Romania is to launch for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated to poet Alexandru Macedonski

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-05-22 16:03
Pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 312/2004 – The Statute of the National Bank of Romania, as from 20 May 2009, the National Bank of Romania is to launch for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated to the 155th birth anniversary of the poet Alexandru Macedonski.
The silver coin has the following characteristics:
• face value: leu 10;
• fineness: 999‰;
• weight: 31.103 g;
• shape: round;
• diameter: 37 mm;
• quality: proof;
• edge: milled.
Obverse: in the middle, an image inspired by Alexandru Macedonski’s poem Noapte de decembrie (December Night) – the emir on his way to the sacred fortress mirage; above, a three-line quotation reading: “And he hurries to reach them, / Albeit he well knows of their deceit / Of topaz gates and silver towers.”; beneath the quotation, the poet’s signature; below the image, the year of issue – 2009, the coat-of-arms of Romania, the inscription “ROMANIA” and the face value of the coin – 10 LEI.
Reverse: the portrait of Alexandru Macedonski, a bunch of roses, the poet’s favourite flowers, and the inscriptions “1854”, “1920” and “ALEXANDRU MACEDONSKI”.
Each coin is embedded in a transparent plastic capsule and is accompanied by a leaflet featuring on overview of the numismatic issue in Romanian, English and French. The leaflet comes with a certificate of authenticity bearing the signatures of both the Governor and the Head Cashier of the National Bank of Romania. The coins will be displayed in appropriate cases having the NBR logo – BNR – inscribed on the lid, with silver foil.
The numismatic issue comprises 500 coins.
The collector coins made of silver dedicated to the 155th birth anniversary of the poet Alexandru Macedonski are put into circulation through the branches of the National Bank of Romania in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iaşi, and Timişoara.