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BCR shareholders approved the profit distribution and set the dividend value for the 2008 financial year

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-05-14 14:50
BCR shareholders convened today in the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) and approved the financial statements of BCR for the financial year ended on December 31st 2008 and the consolidated financial statements as of December 31st 2008, based on the Managers’ Report for the 2008 financial year, the Executive Board Report to the shareholders, the Financial Auditor Reports, the Audit and Compliance Committee Report, the Compensation Committee Report and the Risk Committee Report.

The shareholders have also approved the discharge from liability of the members of the Supervisory Board and of the Executive Board of BCR SA in respect of their supervising, management respectively during the 2008 financial year

Moreover, the shareholders have approved the profit distribution and set the dividend for the 2008 financial year. The value of the dividend per share is RON 1.0259, compared to RON 0.4667 in 2007.

The dividends in aggregate amount of RON 813,072,712 represent 40% of the consolidated net annual profit, set according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), amounting to RON 2,032,681,780.

Furthermore, OGMS approved the appointment of Ernst&Young as financial auditor for the bank with regard to the financial years to end on 31.12.2009 and on 31.12.2010.