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ING and Dutch State finalize Illiquid Assets Back-up Facility

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-04-01 20:58
ING today announced that it has finalized the transaction with the Dutch government on a Illiquid Assets Back-up Facility as announced on 26 January 2009. The transaction is booked and closed in the first quarter and has a limited impact on the profit & loss for the quarter.

The European Commission has temporarily authorized the Back-up Facility. In the next six months the Commission will further study the agreement, a procedure of the Commission with regard to transactions that possibly constitute State Aid. The Commission accepts the cash flow swap arrangement and risk transfer between ING and the State. In case the transaction is deemed to be materially in contradiction with the EC rules on State Aid, the Commission may request changes to the remuneration for the State in the agreement. ING is confident on the outcome of this assessment.

The Illiquid Assets Back-up Facility will result in a full risk transfer to the Dutch State on 80% of the Alt-A RMBS portfolio at ING Direct USA and ING Americas at a discount of 10% of par value. The Dutch State will receive 80% of all cash flows from the portfolio. ING will pay a guarantee fee to the State and will receive a funding fee and a management fee.