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Raiffeisen Leasing financed assets in total amount of 191 million euros in 2008

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-03-31 09:30
Raiffeisen Leasing IFN SA financed 3,000 contracts in 2008 in total amount of 191 million euros, in decrease compared to the year before when it made up 261 million euros. That result was influenced by the Romanian trend of the economy based on worsening conditions of the global economy, especially in the last quarter of 2008. In total financing volume of 2008, equipment accounted for 22 per cent, vehicle leasing contract made up 75 per cent, and real estate leasing represented 3 per cent. Raiffeisen Leasing has an active leasing portfolio of 291 million euros and a number of 12,500 ongoing contracts.

For 2009 Raiffeisen Leasing focuses on close and permanent communication with the customers and market monitoring. Also, the company is ready to find the most appropriate solutions together with the customers facing difficulties, to active promote remarketing sales offer and maintain a sound portfolio as much as possible. “We are ready to provide consultancy to our customers in order to overcome together this difficult period of time and to carry on cooperation” stated Mihaela Mateescu, General Manager Raiffeisen Leasing.

Major priorities for Raiffeisen Leasing in 2009 are implementation of efficiency activities measures and a judicious costs management. Thus, the company will carry out in short time Charisma Application developed together with Total Soft, which will lead to an efficiency administration of approval steps and managing leasing contracts.

The Raiffeisen Leasing offer comprises financing leasing for automotive industry, equipment and real estate. Clients of the company are mainly companies, from SMEs to corporate, multinationals and municipalities. Raiffeisen Leasing is represented in 16 main cities across the country.


Founded July 2002, Raiffeisen Leasing IFN SA is equally owned by Raiffeisen-Leasing International GmbH and Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Raiffeisen Leasing is a member of the Financial Companies Association in Romania (ALB) since 2004.

Raiffeisen-Leasing International GmbH, located in Vienna, is the holding company of its leasing units in Central and Eastern Europe. It is 75 per cent owned by Raiffeisen International and 25 per cent owned by Raiffeisen Leasing GmbH, Vienna.
The Raiffeisen CEE Leasing network currently covers 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Generally, most of the units are established as universal leasing companies providing the whole range of leasing products – vehicles, equipment and real estate leasing.