Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs)


2017-04-10 12:51

The list of institutions included in this section follows the EBA Guidelines on the criteria for the assessment of Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs) – pursuant to Article 131 (3) of Directive 2013/36/EU. O-SIIs are institutions that, due to their systemic importance, are more likely to create risks to financial stability. Whilst maximizing private benefits through rational decisions, these institutions may bring negative externalities into the system and contribute to market distortions.

The methodology in the EBA Guidelines requires relevant authorities to assess systemic risk. It looks into convergence, comparability and flexibility, and provides a two-steps approach: relevant authorities initially assess institutions through a predefined set of criteria and indicators, which reflect negative events and look at weaknesses from a financial stability perspective. In this stage, institutions are given a score from 0 to 10000 bps representing their systemic riskiness. In the following stage, relevant authorities further assess institutions which might have not been already identified as O-SIIs, but may be specific and significant in their own financial system. They do so through other quantitative or qualitative factors.

Both the first and second steps of the O-SII identification process reflect the 12 principles in the global framework provided by the Basel Committee to deal with Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs).

The higher loss absorbency requirements set by the relevant authorities and resulting from this identification process are also included and with the obligation for these institutions to maintain a CET1 capital buffer of up to 2% of the total risk exposure amount, as laid down in Article 131 (5) of Directive 2013/36/EU.

The O-SIIs identification process started in 2015 and takes place on a yearly basis. The CET1 O-SII buffer requirement should also be re-assessed every year on the basis of this yearly identification exercise and the O-SIIs scores.

List of O-SIIs notified to the EBA

Country Name of institution identified as O-SII – Final O-SII buffer – Identified through supervisory judgement?


Erste Group Bank 2.00%
Raiffeisen Zentralbank 2.00%
Raiffeisen Bank International 2.00%
UniCredit Bank Austria 2.00%
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich 1.00%
Raiffeisen−Holding Niederösterreich− Wien 1.00%
BAWAG P.S.K. 1.00%


Axa Bank Europe 0.75%
Argenta Spaarbank 0.75% Y
Belfius Bank 1.50%
BNP Paribas Fortis 1.50%
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 0.75%
Euroclear Bank 0.75%
ING België 1.50%
KBC Group NV 1.50%


Bank of Cyprus Plc 2.00%
Hellenic Bank Plc 1.50%
RCB Bank Ltd 1.00%
Cooperative Central Bank Ltd (including its affiliated cooperative credit institutions) 0.50%
Eurobank Cyprus Ltd 0.50%
Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd 0.50%


Československá obchodní banka, a.s. 0.00%
Komerční banka, a.s. 0.00%
Česká spořitelna, a.s 0.00%
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s 0.00%
Jakabovič & Tkáč (Consolidated liable entity J&T Banka, a.s.) 0.00%
PPF FH B. V. (consolidating liable entity PPF Banka, as) 0.00%
Raiffeisenbank, a.s. 0.00% Y


Deutsche Bank AG* 2.00%
Commerzbank AG* 1.50%
Unicredit Bank AG* 1.00%
DZ Bank AG, Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank* 1.00%
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg* 1.00%
Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale* 1.00% Y
Bayerische Landesbank* 1.00% Y
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale* 1.00% Y
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale* 0.50% Y
Volkswagen Financial Services AG* 0.50% Y
HSH Nordbank AG* 0.50% Y
WGZ Bank AG Westdeutsche Genossenschafts-Zentralbank* 0.50% Y
NRW.Bank* 0.50% Y
ING DiBa AG* 0.50% Y
Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank* 0.50% Y
Landesbank Berlin Holding AG* 0.50% Y


Danske Bank A/S 0.00%
Nykredit Realkredit A/S 0.00%
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S 0.00%
Sydbank A/S** 0.00% Y
DLR Kredit A/S** 0.00% Y
Jyske Bank A/S 0.00%


Swedbank AS***

AS SEB Pank***


Santander 1.00%
BBVA 0.50%
CaixaBank 0.25%
Bankia 0.25%
Popular 0.00%
Sabadell 0.00%


Nordea Bank Finland Plc 2.00%
OP Group 2.00%
Danske Bank Plc 0.50%
Municipality Finance Plc 0.50%


BNP Paribas 1.50%
Societe Generale 1.00%
Groupe Credit Agricole 1.00%
Groupe BPCE 1.00%
Groupe Credit Mutuel 0.50%
LA Banque Postale 0.25% Y


National Bank of Greece 1.00%
Alpha Bank 1.00%
Piraeus Bank 1.00%
Eurobank 1.00% 


Zagrebačka Banka d.d. 2.00%
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. Rijeka 2.00%
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d 2.00%
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. 2.00%
Société Générale le-Splitska banka d.d. 2.00%
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. 2.00%
Sberbank d.d. 0.20% Y
HPB d.d. 0.20% Y
OTP banka d.d. 0.20% Y


OTP Bank Nyrt 2.00%
K&H Bank Zrt 1.00%
UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt 1.00%
Erste Bank Hungary Zrt 0.50%
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt 0.50%
Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank 0.50%
MKB Bank Zrt 0.50%
CIB Bank Zrt 0.50%
FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt 0.50%


The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland 1.50% Y
Allied Irish Banks plc 1.50% Y


Arion banki hf 2.00%
Islandsbanki hf. 2.00%
Landsbankinn hf. 2.00%


Unicredit Group S.p.A. 0.00%
Gruppo Intesa-Sanpaolo 0.00%
Gruppo Monte dei Paschi di Siena 0.00%


AB SEB bankas 2.00%
AB DNB bankas 2.00%
„Swedbank”, AB 2.00%
AB Šiaulių bankas 0.50%


Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 1.00%
Société Générale Bank & Trust S.A. 1.00%
Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat Luxembourg 0.50%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 0.50%
CACEIS Bank Luxembourg S.A. 0.50%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 0.50% Y


ABLV Bank AS 0.00%
”Swedbank” AS 0.00%
AS ”SEB banka” 0.00%
Akciju sabiedrība “Citadele banka” 0.00%
Akciju sabiedrība ”Rietumu Banka” 0.00%
AS DNB banka 0.00%


Bank of Valletta Group (BOV) 2.00%
HSBC Bank Malta plc (HSBC) 1.50%
Medifin Holdings (MED) 0.50%


ING Bank N.V. 2.00%
Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank 2.00%
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 2.00%
SNS Bank N.V. 1.00% Y
N.V. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 1.00%
NO DNB ASA 2.00%
Kommunalbanken AS 2.00%
Nordea Bank Norge ASA 2.00%


Caixa Geral de Depósitos 1.00%
Banco Comercial Português 0.75%
Novo Banco 0.75%
Banco BPI 0.50%
Santander Totta – SGPS 0.50%
Caixa Económica Montepio Geral 0.25%


Banca Comercială Română S.A 1.00%
BRD – Groupe Société Générale S.A. 1.00%
UniCredit Bank S.A. 1.00%
Raiffeisen Bank S.A. 1.00%
Banca Transilvania S.A. 1.00%
Alpha Bank Romania S.A. 1.00%
Garanti Bank S.A. 1.00%
CEC Bank S.A. 1.00%
Bancpost S.A. 1.00% Y


Nordea Bank AB 2.00%
Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.00%
Swedbank AB 2.00%
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.00%


NLB 1.00%
SID 0.50%
Unicredit 0.50%
Abanka 0.25%
NKBM 0.25%
SKB 0.25%
Sberbank 0.25%
Banka Koper 0.25%


Všeobecná úverová banka a.s. 2.00%
Slovenská sporiteľňa a.s. 2.00%
Tatra banka a.s. 1.50%
Československá obchodná banka a.s. 2.00%
Poštová banka a.s. 2.00%


HSBC Holdings Plc 0.00%
Barclays Plc 0.00%
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 0.00%
Lloyds Banking Group Plc 0.00%
Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited 0.00%
Merrill Lynch International 0.00%
Nomura Europe Holdings Plc 0.00%
Credit Suisse International 0.00%
Santander UK Plc 0.00% Y
Morgan Stanley International Limited 0.00% Y
Standard Chartered Plc 0.00% Y
J.P. Morgan Capital Holdings Limited 0.00% Y
Nationwide Building Society 0.00% Y
Citigroup Global Markets Limited 0.00% Y
Credit Suisse Investments (UK) 0.00% Y
UBS Limited 0.00% Y

Sursa: EBA statement


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