Idea Bank Romania, detinuta de grupul polonez Getin Holding, si-a majorat anul trecut semnificativ, cu 107%, volumul de credite si finantari in leasing acordate clientilor. Valoarea activelor bancii a crescut cu 36%.
De asemenea, banca si-a majorat capitalul si a ajuns pe break-even in august 2016, dupa ce in 2015 inregistrase o pierdere de 35,3 milioane lei. In 2014 banca a raportat un castig de 21,8 milioane lei, dupa pierderi de 24,5 milioane lei in 2013, inregistrate de fosta Romanian International Bank (RIB), pe care Getin Holding a cumparat-o in decembrie 2013.
Iata extrasele din raportul anual al Getin Holding pentru 2016:
Idea Bank Group (Romania)
Segment of banking and leasing services in Romania of Idea Bank (Romania) Group, which includes Idea Bank Romania – a universal bank, Idea Leasing Romania IFN S.A, a company that specializes in financial lease, Idea Finance IFN S.A. , Idea Investment S.A., and Idea Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. (insurance broker). Products and services offered by Idea Bank (Romania) are targeted at individual and small and medium-sized clients.
Idea Leasing IFN (Romania) is one of the leading Romania based lease companies that offers lease of movable property (including loans for purchases of movable property) for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The net result generated by the segment in 2016 totalled PLN 15.2 million (RON 15.6 million) compared to PLN -37.2 million (RON -95.5 million) in 2015. The total result comprises the following items:
kPLN rn |
kRON rn |
Net interest income rn |
42 213 rn |
43 345 rn |
Interest income rn |
70 139 rn |
72 019 rn |
Interest expenses rn |
-27 926 rn |
-28 675 rn |
Net fee and commission income rn |
30 274 rn |
31 086 rn |
Fee and commission income rn |
33 897 rn |
34 806 rn |
Fee and commission expenses rn |
-3 623 rn |
-3 720 rn |
Other net operating income and expenses rn |
24 019 rn |
24 663 rn |
Revaluation write-off result rn |
-1 687 rn |
-1 732 rn |
Operating expenses rn |
-80 291 rn |
-82 443 rn |
Income tax rn |
641 rn |
658 rn |
Net profit rn |
15 169 rn |
15 576 rn |
The assets held by segment of banking and leasing services in Romania as at the end of 2016 totalled PLN 1.79 billion (RON 1.84 billion), which means a rise by 41.2% compared to the end of 2015 expressed in PLN (PLN 1.27 billion – RON 1.35 billion, which means a growth by 36.5% in RON).
The balance of deposits as at the end of the balance sheet period totalled PLN 1.27 billion (RON 1.31 billion), which means a rise by 48.4% compared to 2015 expressed in PLN (PLN 858.7 million – RON 911.5 million, which means a growth by 43.4% in RON).
The balance of loan and leasing receivables at the end of 2016 totalled PLN 1.2 billion (RON 1.23 billion),which means a growth by 114.4% compared to the end of Q3 2015 expressed in PLN (PLN 219.6 million – RON 228.8 million, which means a rise by 107.2% in RON).
In 2016, Idea Bank (Romania) considerably increased its consumer loans portfolio. The most popular among clients was the “Selfie” loan. The bank also reported considerable increases in the portfolio of loans sold to companies.
The major successes of Idea Bank Group (Romania) in 2016 include the following:
considerable year over year growth in the volume of loans sold by 92%, as well as growth in the volume of sold lease products by more than 10%;
the bank accomplished its break-even-point in August 2016;
prizes and awards received by the bank in 2016:
o “Retail bank of 2016” from Business Arena Magazine
o “Best financial investment” from Capital Magazine
o “Newcomer Award” for the best brand launch from Forbes Banking Awards
o “Best retail loan” for Selfie loan.
As at the end of 2016, Idea Bank (Romania) had 34 branches, and Idea Leasing IFN (Romania) – 10 branches.
Capital increase
On 15.09.2016, the extraordinary general meeting of Idea Bank (Romania) adopted a resolution on increasing its share capital by RON 11.1 million (equivalent of PLN 10.8 million). On 15.12.2016, the extraordinary general meeting of Idea Bank (Romania) adopted a resolution on increasing its share capital by RON 11.15 million (equivalent of PLN 10.9 million). The shares issued by the bank within the afore specified increases of the share capital were taken up by Getin Holding. As a result of the increases in the share capital of Idea Bank (Romania) in 2016, as at the balance sheet date it totalled RON 195.2 million (PLN 190.3 million).
Idea Bank, Idea Leasing, Idea Broker si Idea Investment aveau in Romania 478 de angajati la fnalul lui 2016, fata de 424 in 2015.
Credit risk management in Idea Bank (Romania)
Credit risk in Idea Bank (Romania) is managed by:
the Risk Management Department,
the Credit Department,
the Monitoring Department,
the Recovery Department.
The Risk Management Department is responsible for managing credit risk in the bank. In particular, it is responsible for monitoring the entire loan portfolio of the bank, the quality of the procedures being applied and also ensures compliance with the applicable credit process standards. Its responsibilities include monitoring the correctness of credit exposures classification and making provisions for loans receivable taking into account collaterals, as well as coordination of the bank’s evaluation process of the loan portfolio. The Department calculates and monitors curves of specific credit risk indicators which compose the risk profile by analyzing their monthly dynamics depending on the risk appetite specified in the risk strategy.
The main responsibilities of the Credit Department include analysing documentation of loans granted and approved by local units. Based on the documentation submitted by local units, the Department prepares its own analysis and submits proposals for the approval of relevant committees. Based on the applications received from the Monitoring Department or the Recovery Department, it analyses the possibilities of the exposure replacement.
The Monitoring Department (Loan Administration Department) within its scope of responsibilities analyses the dynamics and trends of the loan portfolio, serves as a consultant for the branches, prepares impaired loan forecasts, manages and analyses the provision making policy updating the loans value, and develops periodical reports/analyses for the management.
The Recovery Department coordinates the debt collection process and is in charge thereof, while ensuring specialist support for the branches with relation to debt collection. It manages the debt collection process from the first day of the debt registration until the moment of initiating court execution proceedings, if necessary.
Credit risk is managed by the bank based on the internal procedures related to identification, measurement, monitoring and control of risk.
The bank has developed several internal regulations and procedures related to the credit activity. All the internal regulations are reported to the National Bank of Romania, while the most important of them are approved by the regulator. The bank reviews and updates the internal regulations against the external factors, such as changes to the regulator’s regulations that call for adjusting internal procedures, and also against macroeconomic factors.
The bank conducts credit activity in the two main areas:
credits for medium and small enterprises (mainly investment loans and working capital loans),
retail loans (cash loans, credit cards).
Each area has a separate approval centre responsible for evaluating and approving loan applications, as well as units responsible for credit risk management and maintaining acceptable risk level for specific products. The loan decision making policy is approved by the Management Board. There are internal regulations in place that allow setting the level of credit risk connected with granting loans or other facilities generating credit risk to a given client, as well as the credit risk tolerance level.
Applicants’ financial credibility is evaluated at the stage of loan granting, as well as the further monitoring by way of:
scoring – for individual clients
rating – in case of small and medium enterprises.
The bank applies a risk management system that covers individual risk monitoring (risk connected with a specific client), as well as the global monitoring of the bank’s loan portfolio. Under the global monitoring of individual risk, the bank periodically evaluates the debtor’s economic and financial standing, compliance with agreed repayment schedules, as well as the status and value of the collaterals. The scope and frequency of these evaluations mainly depend on the type of the debtor, the amount of the exposure, as well as the form of the collaterals.
Under the global monitoring of the loan portfolio the units of the area of credit risk management:
monitors the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio per product,
systematically monitors substantial exposure,
verifies correctness and adequacy of impairment provisions made by the bank,
systematically monitors the use of approved credit limits.
conduct tests of the extreme values of the loan portfolio in order to determine the potential exposure to credit risk in the event of adverse change,
report management information to the Management and Supervisory Board in form of periodical reports.
Typical securities accepted by the bank:
mortgage on credited real estate with the priority of claim,
registered pledge made on the property of the enterprise or the debtor’s personal property,
registered pledge on the debtor’s personal property,
cash securities,
personal guaranties,
state guarantees (from the National Credit Guarantee Fund for small and medium enterprises or the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Fund),
insurance policies.
Romanian International Bank conducts credit risk analysis applying the following measurement methods:
PD – probability of default
LGD – loss given default, expected loss in case of the exposure impairment.
In order to limit concentration risk, the bank monitors substantial exposure (>=10% of the bank equity) and complies with the exposure limits (no more than 25% according to the guidelines of the regulatory authority).
The highest exposure of Idea Bank (Romania) as on 31.12.2016 towards one client amounts to 11% of the equity, i.e. 1% of the loan portfolio. The exposure towards the top 10 biggest clients accounts for 54% of the total equity, i.e. 6% of the loan portfolio balance.
The highest exposure of Idea Bank (Romania) as on 31.12.2015 towards one client amounts to 14% of the equity, i.e. 2% of the loan portfolio. The exposure towards the top 10 biggest clients accounts for 69% of the total equity, i.e. 11% of the loan portfolio balance.
Moreover, the bank sets the internal concentration limits per branch and product and specifies the exposure limits towards banks with which transactions are made.
Restructures agreements
At the end of 2016 Idea Bank (Romania) had to restructure credit agreements with a total gross value of PLN 14,112 thousand (impairment write-off of PLN 6,276 thousand, net worth of exposure PLN 7,835 thousand).
At the end of 2015 Idea Bank (Romania) had to restructure credit agreements with a total gross value of PLN 23,369 thousand (impairment write-off of PLN 9,420 thousand, net worth of exposure PLN 13,950 thousand).
The main reason for restructuring loans are temporary businesses and financial difficulties, a time limit on personal income, seasonality customers, consolidation loans at the request of the customer.
In Idea Bank (Romania) Treasury Department monitors in real time all currency positions in order to maintain their optimum level of the fund relative to its own. The aim of minimizing the risk is to receive the currency position equal to 0 or close to 0. The Bank minimizes any risk of currency (foreign currency loans) by the conclusion of the sale of foreign exchange contracts and swaps.
Idea Bank (Romania) analyzes the currency risk through analyzing the situation in the currency markets and gold positions, presents the daily changes in long and short currency positions, in each currency separately and performs stress tests, which analyzes the immediate impact of exchange rate changes on operating currencies (the impact on the bank’s own funds if the rate will increase by 25%).
Idea Bank (Romania), under the policy of interest rate fluctuation risk, applies the correlation of the product offers in the market with the interest rates of the bank deposits, analyses fluctuations of interest rates and currency exchange rates and analyses experts’ forecasts concerning fluctuations of these parameters.
The bank uses the ‘gap’ method (GAP) to measure the changes of the bank’s economic ratios due to interest rate fluctuations by +/- 2%.
Liquidity risk management in Idea Bank (Romania) consists in analysing the liquidity gap and reporting the liquidity indicator changes in analysed time intervals prepared by Risk Department, Treasury Department, ALCO and Accounting Department.
The Romanian bank limits liquidity risk by controlling the liquidity indictor. The indicator is calculated as the proportion of actual liquidity and necessary liquidity in various time intervals. The indicator is reported on a monthly basis to the National Bank of Romania, and its limit amounts to 1.
Operational risk management in the Idea Bank (Romania) is performed by the Risk Management Department, while in the operational competence is to identify, assess and report on events affecting operational risk.
The Risk Management Department calculates and analyzes the bank’s operational risk indicators:
fraud risk index (calculated as the ratio of the fraud and the bank’s own funds),
legal risk ratio (calculated as the ratio of the total value of fines and penalties received by the bank in a month and the bank’s own funds),
staff turnover rate (voluntary dismissal per month),
capital requirements for operational risk.
In order to prevent or reduce the adverse effects of bank operational risk includes insurance contract, including liability managers, liability, unauthorized use of the card, insurance of ATMs or cash transportation.
The Bank has a policy to combat fraud, the aim of which is to facilitate the detection and prevention of fraud and protection of the banks’ financial interests. The Bank strives to create an environment unfavorable abuse by raising employees’ awareness about the risks and consequences of a fraud.
The minimum level of the capital ratio is specified by:
the Polish bank regulations amounts to 8%
the Ukrainian bank regulations amounts to 10%
the Belarusian bank regulations amounts to 10%
the Romanian bank regulations amounts to 10%
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