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Un tip pleaca in alta tara, se angajeaza paznic la un parking de masini vechi al carui sef face afaceri ilegale, se indragosteste, isi aduce iubita in rulota, ea se plictiseste repede si vrea sa scape din vagauna dar nu au unde sa mearga, in final pleaca cu tot cu rulota dupa ce seful parkingului e omorat de gangsteri pentru ca nu le-a platit niste datorii.Asta e firul narativ cliseu simplist al filmului. Intriga e tesuta in jurul tipului, care e un roman scriitor aratos venit in Spania nu sa castige bani ci sa invete limba si sa scrie, reusind sa farmece femeile cu povestile lui romantice si alura inalta si subtire cu barba, un actor mediocru insa, ca si filmul.
The continent faces its biggest challenge since the 1930s. We urge European patriots to resist the nationalist onslaughtThe idea of Europe is in peril.From all sides there are criticisms, insults and desertions from the cause.“Enough of ‘building Europe’!” is the cry. Let’s reconnect instead with our “national soul”! Let’s rediscover our “lost identity”! This is the agenda shared by the populist forces washing over the continent. Never mind that abstractions such as “soul” and “identity” often exist only in the imagination of demagogues.Europe is being attacked by false prophets who are drunk on resentment, and delirious at their opportunity to seize the limelight. It has been abandoned by the two great allies who in the previous century twice saved it from suicide; one across the Channel and the other across the Atlantic. The continent is vulnerable to the increasingly brazen meddling by the occupant of... detalii