Actionarii Erste Bank au respins politica de remunerare a conducerii bancii

2020-11-15 21:32

Actionarii Erste Group Bank AG au respins, in cadrul Adunarii Generale a Actionarilor (AGA) din 10 noiembrie 2020, politica de remunerare a sefilor bancii, care stabileste componentele salariale fixe si variabile pe care le primesc persoanele din conducerea executiva si din comitetul de supraveghere.
In 2019, fostul sef al Erste Bank, Andreas Treichl, a primit in total o remuneratie de 2,8 milioane euro, constand intr-un salariu fix de 1,475 milioane euro, la care s-au adaugat bonusuri de performanta de aproape 700.000 de euro si alte tipuri de plati in valoare de peste 600.000 de euro. (vezi foto)

Extras din raportul de guvernanta corporativa al Este Group aferent anului 2019:


Principles governing the remuneration policy
The principles governing the remuneration of the management
board of Erste Group Bank AG and of the management boards of
consolidated material subsidiaries are specified in the remuneration policy of Erste Group Bank AG at Group level, including in
particular the definition and evaluation of performance criteria.
The contractual maximum value of performance-linked payments
to management board members is 100% of the fixed salaries.
The performance criteria and their impact on the variable remuneration of the management board of Erste Group Bank AG are
defined at the beginning of the year by the supervisory board
following consultations with the responsible organisational units
(Group Strategy and Group Human Resources). Management
board members must achieve defined performance criteria at both
company level and individual level. The first criterion is Erste
Group’s overall performance. For the year 2019, target achievement is measured by reference to the following indicators: compliance with capital and liquidity requirements, net profit and
operating result minus risk cost, cost/income ratio and customer
experiences. The second performance criterion is the achievement
of individual objectives. For 2019, these are, for example, operating result, return on tangible equity, risk costs, NPL ratio, riskweighted assets and strategic goals depending on areas of responsibilities.
The performance criteria and their impact on the variable remuneration of the management boards of major consolidated subsidiaries are defined at the beginning of the year by the respective supervisory or advisory boards following consultations with
the responsible organisational units (Group Strategy and Group
Human Resources). Management board members must achieve
the defined performance criteria at both company level and
individual level.
The variable part of the management board’s remuneration, including both cash payments and share equivalents, is distributed
over five years in accordance with legal requirements and is paid
out only under certain conditions. Share equivalents are not exchange-traded shares but phantom shares that are paid out in cash
after a one-year vesting period based on defined criteria.
At the annual general meeting of Erste Group Bank AG in May
2020, the principles governing the remuneration of members of
the management board and the supervisory board (remuneration
policy) drawn up pursuant to sections 78a et seq., 98a Austrian
Stock Corporation Act will be put to the vote for the first time for
the year 2020.

The item “Other remuneration” comprises pension fund contributions, contributions to employee provision funds (for new-type
severance payments) and remuneration in kind. In 2019, performance-linked remuneration and share equivalents were paid out
or vested for previous years. No performance-linked remuneration was paid to members of the management board for 2014.
In addition to his role as board member in the Holding, Peter Bosek assumed the position as CEO of Erste Bank Oesterreich as of
1 July 2019. A portion of his remuneration is charged out to this
entity. From 1 January 2015 to 31 January 2016, he had likewise
held board positions at both Erste Bank Oesterreich and the Holding.
Where remuneration had been paid in 2018 to management board
members for supervisory board or similar mandates in entities
outside the Haftungsverbund (cross-guarantee system) or other
subsidiaries majority-owned by Erste Group, the first cash
tranche of the bonus for the year 2018 was reduced by the same


Pay-outs will be made pro rata in 2020 after the one-year vesting
period. Share equivalents are valued at the average weighted
daily share price of Erste Group Bank AG in 2019 in the amount
of EUR 32.08 per share.
In 2019, EUR 1,941.3 thousand was paid in cash and 4,862 shareequivalents were assigned to former members of management
bodies and their dependants.
Principles governing the pension scheme for
management board members
Members of the management board participate in the defined
contribution pension plan of Erste Group on the basis of the same
principles as other employees. If a management board member’s
tenure ends before they reach the age of 65 by no fault of the
member, compensatory payments will be made to the pension
fund for such management board member. Pension plan expenses
are shown in “other remuneration”.
Principles governing vested benefits and entitlements
of management board members in case of termination
of the position
Regarding vested benefits and entitlements of management board
members in the event of termination of their position, the standard
legal severance benefit provisions of section 23 of the Austrian
Salaried Employees Act (Angestelltengesetz) still apply to one
member of the management board.
The remuneration granted to the management board members
complies with the banking rules on management remuneration.


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