Sucursala din Romania a bancii poloneze Alior Bank, care si-a inceput operatiunile in octombrie anul trecut, dupa mai multe amanari de aproximativ un an, in parteneriat cu Telekom, si-a majorat pierderile la peste 30 milioane zloti, de la 6 milioane zloti in 2016, conform raportului financiar al bancii-mama.
Extrase din raportul anual al Alior Bank Polonia:
Opened in 2017, the branch in Romania generated a
gross loss of PLN 30 219 thousand and PLN – 6 166 thousand in 2016.
For the first overseas Alior Bank branch in
Romania, 2017 meant continuation of its business,
which was launched on 18 July 2016. On 18
October 2017 the Romanian branch commenced
its commercial operation, which was officially
launched at a press conference in Bucharest. Ms
Celina Waleśkiewicz, Deputy President of the
Management Board of Alior Bank and Mr Miroslav
Majoros, President of Telekom Romania and
General Manager of the branch presented the
offer of Telekom Banking services – modern and
intuitive banking products that are available in the
Internet channel, mobile banking applications (iOS
and Android), bank branches and the Contact
Centre, as well as in the Telekom Romania sales
Using the best practices and innovative solutions
of Alior Bank, a personal account was launched in
Q4 2017 in Romania for individual customers in
RON and foreign currencies: EUR, USD, and GBP.
Several debit cards became available to customers
of accounts in various currencies, these customers
may also apply for a Debit Line in the personal
account in the local currency. On-line Currency
Exchange offering FX exchange transactions is a
complete novelty on the Romanian market, where
customers may exchange 10 currencies at
attractive rates, conclude cross-transactions, and
submit currency transfers. The accounts in on-line
Currency Exchange are free of charge plus
customers may order debit cards for various
Another distinguishing feature of Telekom Banking
are free of charge withdrawals from all ATMs in the
country and overseas, as well as free transfers in
RON via the Internet and mobile banking to any
bank in Romania, which is not a standard on that
As at 31.12.2017, the Branch in Romania employed
81 people (81 FTEs).
The consolidated net profit of the Alior Bank Group amounted to PLN 515 million. Return on equity (ROE) was
8.0%, and the C/I ratio – 49.7%. Excluding of the integration costs with the demerged part of Bank BPH and
incorporating the target synergy level, the ratios were 11.1% (ROE) and 42.6% (C/I) respectively as compared
to the strategic objectives of 14% and 39% respectively.
In terms of profitability and cost effectiveness, Alior Bank is a leader of the banking market in Poland and has
maintained a fast organic growth rate. Throughout 2017 gross loan book growth amounted to 6.9 billion (as
compared to the strategic objective of PLN 5-6 billion) with a simultaneous decrease of cost of risk from 1.9
% in 2016 to 1.7% in 2017. Additionally, the Bank closed the year with a significantly reinforced capital position
(Tier 1 capital ratio was 12.1% and TCR ratio – 15.2%) and liquidity ratio (LCR 124%).
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