Alior Bank a anuntat ca isi va lansa serviciile bancare in Romania, prin intermediul operatorului de telefonie Telekom, la mijlocul acestui an. Mai intai vor fi oferite produse si servicii financiare pentru persoanele fizice, iar ulterior si pentru firme.
Subsidiara locala a bancii poloneze, prima prezenta in strainatate a grupului Alior Bank, are in prezent un numar de 46 de angajati, se arata in raportul aferent anului 2016 publicat de Alior Bank. (vezi mai jos detalii)
Valoarea activelor sucursalei Alior Bank s-au ridicat la finalul lui 2016 la 6,743 milioane zloti (PLN), majoritatea, respectiv 4,142 milioane fiind sub forma activelor intangibile si 184 milioane PNL sub forma de numerar la BNR.
Banca poloneza are un capital de 5,158 milioane PNL si a inregistrat o pierdere de 5,136 milioane PLN pentru 2016.
Extras din raportul Alior Bank:
On 7 August 2015, Alior Bank signed a contract with a Romanian operator Telekom Romania Mobile Communications from the Deutsche Telekom Group. In this way, the Bank extended its strategic alliance with the global telecommunications partner for another market in Central Europe.
Telekom Romania Mobile Communications belongs to the Telekom Romania Group, the largest integrated telecom operator on the Romanian market. The Group offers comprehensive modern services of fixed-line and mobile telephony, Internet television and solutions to businesses.
Telekom Romania Mobile Communications operates under the brand T-Mobile and currently has 6 million customers.
As of 14 January 2016, the National Bank of Romania (the Romanian banking regulator) registered Alior Bank S.A. Varsovia – Sucursala Bucuresti as a branch of a foreign financial credit institution within the meaning of Directive 2013/36/EU, with the number RB-PJS-40-071/14.01.2016.
As of 18 July 2016 Alior Bank S.A., Branch in Romania, began operating activities and became a rightful participant of the Romanian banking market.
This is an important element of the initiative pursued jointly by Alior Bank and Telekom Romania Mobile Communications and is based on a model similar to the cooperation between Alior Bank and T-Mobile Polska S.A.
Alior Bank S.A. Varsovia – Sucursala Bucuresti is the first foreign branch of Alior Bank.
Alior Bank’s cooperation with Telekom Romania Mobile Communications is the first alliance on the local market so broadly combining the world of finance and telecom services. Already in mid-2017 individual customers will be able to avail themselves of the banking services and as a next step, the offer for businesses will become available.
As part of the arrangement, customers of the Romanian operator will obtain access to a wide assortment of modern deposit and loan products, similar to those offered in Poland.
Romania is the largest market of South-Eastern Europe and the second largest economy among countries which obtained membership to the European Union in 2004 or later (in terms of the GDP value calculated according to the purchasing power parity).
It is also a market with high potential for the development of banking services, as more than one-half of Romania’s inhabitants do not yet have a bank account, while the number of smartphone users is dynamically growing (currently 28%, the number is expected to double by 2017).
Alior Bank S.A. Varsovia – Sucursala Bucuresti is the first branch abroad of Alior Bank S.A. As at 31 December 2016 branch in Romania hires 46 full-time empolyees (46 FTE).
(Sursa: raportul Alior Bank)
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