Romanian financial leasing market increased by 16%, to Euro 769 million

2015-08-11 21:06

As of June 30th, 2015, the Romanian financial leasing market registered a new financed volume amounting at 769 million Euro, i.e. an increase of 16% compared with the same period of 2014, said the Financial Companies Association in Romania – ALB, in a statement.

The distribution by types of assets was as follows:
– 77.5 % (596 million Euro) for vehicles;
– 20% (154 million Euro) for equipment;
– 2.5% (19 million Euro) for real estate.

At the level of new financed volumes, the vehicles have recorded an 18% increase compared to the same period of 2014.

From the point of view of the financing per vehicles categories, weights remained at a constant level compared to the same period of last year, with the passenger cars still representing a majority of 47% out of the total new financed volume for vehicles, followed by the heavy commercial vehicles, with 41%, the light commercial vehicles with 10%, as well as other vehicle categories (2%).

„The first semester results confirm our expectations for a positive evolution of the leasing market in 2015 under a climate favorable for the growth in all sectors that are important for the economy.

The car market has been financed by financial leasing with 600 million euros in the first semester of this year, the vehicle segment representing still the main growth engine of the industry, however supported by another very important element, namely the growth of the leasing notoriety among the companies, the number of SMEs that have used the financial leasing services recording an increase this year compared to 2014.” said Felix Daniliuc, ALB President.

Compared to the same period of 2014, the end of the first half of 2015 registered an increase of the construction field (from 14% to 22%), similar to the financing of medical equipment (from 5% to 10%) and to the food and beverage industry (from 5% to 7%). The financing of the agricultural equipment sector maintains the same high level, representing a majority of 27% out of the total equipment financed through financial leasing.

The quota of other industries equipment financing is decreasing as it follows: the wood processing equipment financing from 6% to 3%, the financing of electric power technologies from 7% to 3% and the metal processing industry from 7% to 6%.

The financing of the other economic sectors has still a relatively constant weight. The real estate sector, maintains its historically low rate as in 2013 and 2014, at 2.5%, in accordance with the general context of the real estate market in Romania.

The legal clients attracted the largest part (98%) of the total financings, followed by individuals (2%). The majority of legal entities which use financial leasing as a financing source for their necessary business purchases are the SMEs. The public-private partnership (PPP) registered a share of 0% indicating the lack of appetite for this financing model of public investment projects nationwide.

The most frequent period of the leasing contracts is 4-5 years (33%), followed by 3-4 years with (23%), 2-3 years (18%), 5-7 years (12%), 1-2 years (8%), 1 year (4%) and 7-15 years (2%). This last period is characteristic for the financing of the real estate market.

The biggest market quota is registered by the sector of the banks’ subsidiaries, with 81% out of the total, followed by the captive companies sector with 15% and by the independent companies sector with 4%.

Based on statistics, ALB represents 86% out of the total financial leasing market in Romania. ALB is member of the European Federation of the Leasing Associations – Leaseurope and coordinates the CEE Cluster of Leaseurope at the level of the Secretary General.


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