Romanian National Bank: Deposits went up 0,9% in September

2013-10-23 21:22

Deposits of non-government resident customers went up 0.9 percent month on month to RON 205,376.3 million in September 2013, said Romanian central bank (BNR) in a statement.

RON-denominated household deposits added 0.4 percent to RON 77,421.7 million. At end-September 2013, household deposits in domestic currency increased by 3.3 percent (1.4 percent in real terms) against end-September 2012.

RON-denominated corporate deposits (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) rose by 1.0 percent to RON 54,035.1 million. At end-September 2013, RON-denominated corporate deposits increased by 7.4 percent (5.4 percent in real terms) year on year.

Forex-denominated deposits of resident households and corporates (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) went up 1.4 percent to RON 73,919.5 million when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits increased by 0.8 percent to EUR 16,572.4 million).

In year-on-year comparison, residents’ forex deposits expressed in RON advanced 7.2 percent (when expressed in EUR, residents’ forex deposits climbed by 8.9 percent); household forex deposits grew by 7.4 percent when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, household forex deposits stood 9.1 percent higher) and forex deposits of corporates (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) rose by 6.7 percent when expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits of resident corporates expanded by 8.5 percent).












































Table 4. Deposits of non-government resident customers*
INDICATORS 30 September 2013
(RON mill.)
September 2013/
August 2013
September 2013/
September 2012
Deposits of non-government resident customers (total) ** 205,376.3 0.9 5.7
RON-denominated deposits of residents: 131,456.8 0.6 5.0
– household deposits 77,421.7 0.4 3.3
– corporate deposits (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 54,035.1 1.0 7.4
Forex-denominated deposits of residents: 73,919.5 1.4 7.2
– household deposits 49,086.1 0.3 7.4
– corporate deposits (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) 24,833.4 3.5 6.7


*provisional data 
**includes current accounts, demand deposits and all of the time deposits, irrespective of maturity



Infractorule locul tau e in puscarie - HOTULE

Mare jigodie, asta nu-si da seama de dimensiunile abuzurilor. BCR a executat deja zeci de mii de familii in contracte cu clauze abuzive. Si vine jegul asta sa ceara Guvernului sa salveze BCR. De cand Statul Roman, adica eu si altii, incalca legea impotriva mea, salvand Hotul? Cum sa nu mai redeschidem trecutul? Avem fapte penale de inselaciune, de inducere in eroare. Bai Spurny spune-i asta lu ma-ta porcule. Ati furat suportati consecintele. Cum este posibil ca Dobanda interna sa fie 8.9 pe Euribor 5.47 si la acest moment sa fie 8.06 pe Euribor 0.3? Vezi ma jigodie ce abuzuri faceti arza-v-ar focul de infractori. Adica Euribor scade cu aproape 5.1 dar dobanda interna a BCR cu 0.8? Este pe fata manipularea indicatorului intern. Si infractorul asta vrea sa mai continue asa inca 24 de ani. Ma nemernicule, ati furat, sunt decizii in instanta sute ale ANPC contra voastra. Si tu ceri protectie? Asta in timp ce eu si altii suntem protejati de lege si autoritati? Erste a facut un Club Lombard in Romania prin interpusa BCR ma jegule.


Romania e pe placul tau, Spurny?

Era de curand la Bucuresti un speaker specializat in relatii comerciale, care spunea ca celmai important capital al unei societati comerciale este increderea cleintilor. Voi, Banca de Cacat a Romaniei, sunteti in razboi cu clientii, deci despre ce incredere sau satisfactie a clientilor mai poate fi vorba. Sunteti o specie pe cale de disparitie borfasilor, muriti odata si lasati-ne. Predecesorii tai bai Spurny au facut afaceri dubioase, mult dincolo de limita legii, creind o schema infractionala la nivel inalt. Ai venit prea tarziu pe lume, tu, genul asta de infractiuni si dinozaurii dispar repede sau incet, dar sigur. Mori jegule imputit odata cu sistemul mafiot pus la punct de Treichl.

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