EBRD €10 million loan to Romania’s UniCredit Tiriac Bank for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


2013-07-22 17:09

EBRD press release:

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing €10 million in new financing to Romania’s UniCredit Tiriac Bank S.A. for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) investing in industrial energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy projects.

The loan is extended under the EBRD’s Romania SME Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (RoSEFF), a key instrument for promoting the rational use of energy, particularly given the current liberalisation of the domestic energy market, as a means to cut bills and boost the competitiveness of SMEs.

“There is substantial potential in Romania to achieve energy savings and the EBRD long-term loan helps reduce the number of barriers that the private sector still faces in obtaining financing for energy efficiency projects,” said Sylvia Gansser-Potts, EBRD Director for Financial Institutions, EU Banks.

“UniCredit Tiriac Bank’s commitment and track record in financing SMEs, combined with the EBRD’s proven experience in implementing energy efficiency programmes, provides a strong basis for success in this new partnership,” said Rasvan Radu, CEO of UniCredit Tiriac Bank.

Along with technical assistance and investment incentives financed by the European Union, the EBRD loan comes at a time when the Romanian private sector faces an even greater need for long-term financing, affected as it is by the eurozone crisis and the scarcity of funding.

The €10 million loan comes under the Joint IFI Action Plan for Growth in Central and South Eastern Europe launched in November 2012 by the EBRD, the European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group) and the World Bank Group. The plan is a direct response to the continuing impact of eurozone problems on the economies of emerging Europe and includes total commitments of €30 billion over the period 2013-14.

To date, the EBRD has invested approximately €6.3 billion in projects across Romania, mobilising over €13 billion of further financing for these ventures from other sources.

Since the launch of the EBRD’s Sustainable Energy Initiative in 2006, the Bank has provided over €645 million for sustainable energy investments in Romania, with a total project value approaching €3.9 billion.


fost angajat bancar - inclusiv pe credite PF

Mult Succes! ... va fi interesant!

Buna ziua, Stiam ca dl. avocat este parlamentar, deci are nvoie de meidatizare ... Incercati sa faceti un exercetiu de memorie si sa vedeti prin ZF, Bursa, Money Channel, etc., diverse alte jurnale - inclusiv cu preluare pe Internet - ca oficiali BNR au atras atentia destul de bine in 2007 asupra riscurilor contractarii unui imprumut in valuta exotica - respectiv CHF si Yenii Japonezi ... si dolarii SUA devenisera moneda exotica. Anul 2007 a fost anul aprobarii normelor interne si proprii de creditare pe care bancile le-au supus aprobarii BNR. Pe tot parcursul anului s-au tot aprobat normele bancilor, luate individual. Era pe fundalul implementarii BASEL II. Apoi, cand a lovit criza imobiliara in SUA in iulie-august 2007 .. dar, bancile au ocntiunat vorace sa vanda credite pentru a isi creste cota de piata si a se ridica fata de concurenti ... Au fost vremuri cand cine a avut de inteles ce se va intampla cu creditarea bancara excesiva a inteles! Majoritatea larga a celor care au contractat credite in valute exotice si in Euro pe parcursul 2007 si 2008 (pana prin Octombrie 2008, cand toata jucaria s-a oprit trasnita de Criza!) nu stiau ce fac ... iar angajatii banilor din sucursalele numeroase nu stiau nici ei ce fac! acuma, dorim succes dlui. Piperea dar ... va fi interesant ce se va intampla. Tot acest proces are un iz de politic destul de pronuntat.

lapazan ramona


cum pot aplica la acest proces comun?ma numar si eu printre cei pagubiti.... multumim pt initiativa!

Stefan Marian

comisioane la card de credit; rambursari neclare; etc.

Si eu sunt acum in contre cu o banca cu capital strain. Nu cred ca pot rezolva mare lucru de unul singur. As dori din tot sufletul, ca fost lucrator bancar (in 2 banci, din care 1 din top 5), sa pot fi si eu parte la acest proces comun. Ce trebuie facut?

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