Stiri din eticheta: Ocean Credit

Numarul IFN-urilor care-si raporteaza clientii la Biroul de Credit l-a intrecut pe cel al bancilor

Numarul Institutiilor Financiare Nebancare (IFN) care raporteaza la Biroul de Credit date despre clientii carora le acorda imprumuturi a ajuns la 32 in luna aprilie, intrecand, pentru prima data, cele 31 de banci, o dovada a cresterii puternice din ultimii ani a pietei imprumuturilor online de detalii

FinTech credit: market structure, business models and financial stability implications (BIS report)

Report prepared by a Working Group of Bank for International Settlements (BIS) established by the Committee on the Global Financial System and the Financial Stability Board. (download the report from Files) FinTech credit refers to credit activity facilitated by detalii

How banks can compete with online lenders

It’s been more than 25 years since Bill Gates dismissed retail banks as “dinosaurs,” but the statement may be as true today as it was then. Banking for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been astonishingly unaffected by the rise of the Internet. To the extent that detalii

Creditele online cu 0% dobanda ale IFN-urilor ar trebui interzise sau restrictionate

Promovoarea de catre Institutiile Financiare Nebancare (IFN-uri) a creditelor cu 0% dobanda ar trebui interzisa sau restrictionata de Autoritatea Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorului (ANPC) si BNR, intrucat contine promisiuni inselatoare si induce false asteptari din partea oamenilor, care detalii


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