Stiri din eticheta: EURIBOR

Cu cat s-au scumpit creditele din cauza cresterii indicilor de dobanda ROBOR

Un credit imobiliar tip Prima Casa in valoare de 50.000 de euro (225.000 de lei) avea la finalul lunii septembrie o dobanda de 2,69%, formata din ROBOR la 3 luni, care era 0,69%, plus marja maxima de 2% impusa prin lege bancilor. Costul total al acestui imprumut, exprimat pin DAE, se detalii

Bancile spaniole, obligate de Curtea Europeana de Justitie sa ramburseze clientilor dobanzile prea mari incasate la creditele ipotecare; cum ar putea fi afectate bancile romanesti?

Curtea de Justitie a Ununii Europene (CURIA) a decis ca bancile spaniole care au acordat credite ipotecare cu dobanzi indexate la EURIBOR, dar a caror scadere era limitata in contracte la un anumit nivel, trebuie sa-i despagubeasca pe clientii care au platit astfel costuri mai mari decat cele detalii

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB: statement to the press conference (with Q&A)

Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A) Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB Frankfurt am Main, 8 December 2016 Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice-President and I are very detalii

Mario Draghi: The state and prospects of the euro area recovery

Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, at the European Banking Congress, Frankfurt, 18 November 2016 Since the onset of the global financial crisis, 2016 has been the first full year where GDP in the euro area has been above its pre-crisis level. It has taken detalii


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